The mission of AECM Jakalteko is to translate the Holy Word of God into the Jakaltek Mayan language with clarity, accuracy and in a natural way.

The whole translation process is being done carefully by a team of Popti’ native speakers with fundamental Christian beliefs according to all the essential Bible doctrines. Each translated book goes under a detailed revision by the translation team and also by native speakers, members of the jakaltek community in all the different villages of Jacaltenango.

We, the members of AECM Jakalteko, go to each village and community of Jacaltenango and read the Word of God to the people and during this process we ask them questions to see if they understand the translation and we can also make sure that everything is natural and clear in the jakaltek language.

We also have a team of international Bible Scholars, experts in the original Bible language from the US and Holland, that come and revise our work periodically in Guatemala, this helps us to correct mistakes and also to compare our translation with the original manuscripts.

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